One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded: “There’s a Place” by The Beatles!!!

For as long as I’ve been on the radio, and definitely for as long as I’ve been writing a blog, I will occasionally make a reference to a song being “One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded!” (GSER)

I would usually follow that by saying that I would eventually start a category for it, but then never get around to it.

Well, now I’m getting around to it!

My radio show, “Theme Attic,”  is on Wednesdays 1PM-4PM ET.

The show can be heard on WHFR 89.3 FM in the Dearborn-Detroit area of Michigan, or it can be streamed with this link:!

The Greatest Songs will pretty much follow the pattern of The Most Awesomest Song of the Day.

I’ll select a song to celebrate and then give my thoughts about it. Nothing really brand new here that hasn’t been done before. But since I have a website, I can collect them and lay out what my own greatest songs are.

Here’s a link to have a look at “The Greatest Songs Ever Recorded”:! Occasionally, an “awesome song” crosses over to become a “Greatest Song!”

Even though I always emphasize new music and artists, it’s always fun to take a short drive through the legendary artists, since they influenced those other artists!

But a song doesn’t have to be old or done by a legendary Theme Attic Hall of Fame member to be thus honored.

I can think of several songs that are only a few years old or less that I could identify as One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded.

This will be fun, and hopefully you will join me on my journey!

If you like what you see, don’t forget to spread the word by hitting the “like” button on my Facebook page, Phil Maq!


As a pre kindergarten kid, although I didn’t exactly know what money was, sometimes i got to accumulate a bit.

I had either found, was given, or just claimed as my own, a small portable record player. And it wasn’t one of those kiddie players either! It had pretty good sound for a small suitcase.

It was legit!

As I’ve mentioned before, I kinda have a scorched earth policy when it comes to finding and listening to music, and the whole house was in play.

I had a lot to choose from.

A mountain of Polish music. At that stage in my  life, it was repetitious and not very interesting.

I had a brother that liked country music. I was not a fan at the time. It wasn’t the classic stuff.

I had an older brother that had a stash of Broadway musicals, soundtracks, and symphonies. The music was very moody, and didn’t interest me then.

I had another older brother whose tastes grew old before his time, and had Mantovani, Eddie Barclay Orchestra(?), and a bunch of easy listening orchestral albums that were tough for me to stomach.

However, he also used to buy singles for school dances that he would bring home to test and make sure they played without skipping.

For some brief moments, there was magic in the house, and then it disappeared just as quickly as it arrived.

And I had an older sister who had some of the best music in the house, all neatly labeled and chronicled in her 45’s storage box.

Inside was a lot of Fabian, (ehh,) but it eventually would include gems like “Tell Her No” by The Zombies, and “She Loves You” by The Beatles!

Let’s go back to that loose change that I referred to in the beginning of this post.

I chose wisely for my second purchased single, The Beatles” “Twist and Shout!”

What a masterpiece!

But I’m not going to talk about that one today, because I want to talk about the flip side, “There’s a Place.”

Because I tried to listen to everything I got my hands on, I, of course, would turn the records over.

Not really much of a novel idea, but throughout my growing years, I was always amazed at people who sometimes had some fascinating 45’s collections, but would never turn them over to listen to any songs on the other sides. Ever. I feel bad even now thinking about the songs I missed.

When I turned the yellow label Tollie Record over, it was like stepping into another world!

I first heard John’s mournful harmonica that continued throughout the song!

There were plenty of starts and stops which I have always liked!

There were sad, tight harmonies!

Ringo’s drum fills on the fade out sounded almost reckless to me!

It was like I had discovered a secret song that nobody else knew about!

And then there’s the lyrics:

There is a place/
Where I can go/
When I feel low/
When I feel blue/
And it’s my mind/
And there’s no time when I’m alone.

In my mind there’s no sorrow/
Don’t you know that it’s so/
There’ll be no sad tomorrow/
Don’t you know that it’s so.

Even as a little kid, some of those lines got through!

So, I found out that there was a place that I can go, and I’ve been going there ever since!

Ladies and Gentleman!

From the “Please Please Me album, One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded: “There’s a Place” by The Beatles!!!


I have plenty of other musical areas to explore:

Here’s a link for my weekly list of Fave Songs:

Here’s a link for my weekly Fave Album lists:

My somewhat unusual Hall of Fame can be explored here:!

Lastly, but most importantly, is my Philby Awards link! A Philby is my annual award for outstanding musical achievement!!

If you like what you see, don’t forget to spread the word by hitting the “like” button on my Facebook page, Phil Maq!

#TheBeatles #TheresaPlace #PleasePleaseMeAlbum #PhilMaq #OneoftheGreatestSongsEverRecorded #GSER