Bits and Pieces about our favorite band

  • One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded: “Little Child” by The Beatles!!!

    One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded: “Little Child” by The Beatles!!!

    As far as I’m concerned, pretty much every Beatles song is One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded! That’s my starting point when analyzing Beatle tracks! My radio show, “Theme Attic,”  is on Wednesdays 12PM-4PM ET. The show can be heard on WHFR 89.3 FM in the Dearborn-Detroit area of Michigan, or it can be streamed with…

  • One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded: “Jealous Guy” by John Lennon!!!

    One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded: “Jealous Guy” by John Lennon!!!

    For as long as I’ve been on the radio, and definitely for as long as I’ve been writing a blog, I will occasionally make a reference to a song being “One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded!” (GSER) I would usually follow that by saying that I would eventually start a category for it, but then…

  • One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded: “OK Ray” by Ringo Starr!!

    One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded: “OK Ray” by Ringo Starr!!

    For as long as I’ve been on the radio, and definitely for as long as I’ve been writing a blog, I will occasionally make a reference to a song being “One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded!” (GSER) I would usually follow that by saying that I would eventually start a category for it, but then…

  • Ned Flanders’ Beatles Collection!!!

    Ned Flanders, Homer Simpson’s highly religious next door neighbor, has got it going on with his secret Beatles collection! QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ If you like what you see, don’t forget to spread the word by hitting the “like” button on my Facebook page, Phil Maq!

  • The Most Awesomest Song of the Day: “Do It Now” by Paul McCartney!!!

    The Most Awesomest Song of the Day: “Do It Now” by Paul McCartney!!!

    Here’s a link to the complete list: I want to emphasize mostly, relatively newer music, just like on my Monday night show, “Prime Time Theme Attic.” (Monday nights 8PM-10PM ET when it returns.) Here’s the link for when that day comes: ) But I can promise this: I will not force my selections. If something doesn’t…

  • One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded: “There’s a Place” by The Beatles!!!

    One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded: “There’s a Place” by The Beatles!!!

    For as long as I’ve been on the radio, and definitely for as long as I’ve been writing a blog, I will occasionally make a reference to a song being “One of the Greatest Songs Ever Recorded!” (GSER) I would usually follow that by saying that I would eventually start a category for it, but then…

  • It Was Fifty Years Ago Today: My Earliest Memories of Sgt. Pepper!!!

    It Was Fifty Years Ago Today: My Earliest Memories of Sgt. Pepper!!!

    I know there will probably be at least a million articles, blogs, or comments made about the Fiftieth Anniversary of the release of The Beatles masterpiece, “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.” There’s a couple of brand new editions of the album to celebrate the day. PBS has a new documentary ready for June 3.…

  • “A Hard Day’s IMAX!!!”

    Today, September 18, is the final day for two Beatles related events at “the Henry Ford” in Dearborn, Michigan: “Magical History Tour” and “A Hard Day’s Night” on the IMAX screen. I wanted to put that up front in case you weren’t aware of it. I went to see the history exhibit last Sunday (September…

  • It Was Fifty Years Ago Today: The Beatles Last Live Performance at Candlestick Park

    It Was Fifty Years Ago Today: The Beatles Last Live Performance at Candlestick Park

    After a tumultuous and crazy summer, The Beatles wrapped up what would be their third and final tour of the U.S. on August 29, 1966. So many events happened in the summer of 1966, some major ones that were unrelated to music, that the final tour stop at San Francisco’s Candlestick Park seemed anticlimactic. No…

  • George Martin: The Fifth Beatle and Beyond

    George Martin: The Fifth Beatle and Beyond

    As I stayed up and waited for the final results of the Michigan State Primary, I received word from someone on Facebook that George Martin had passed. I have learned over time that one has to verify whether someone has really passed, but I knew in my heart that it was all too true. And…